Monday, August 10, 2009

Can you DIGG it?

Finally, a "thing" I have not had very much experience with. My brother often posts things from Digg on facebook, but I never really knew what it was until this thing. It's awesome too! I consider myself slighty Internet, facebook, google reader, outlook, so on...all on ALL the time, for the most part. I enjoy Digg because it indulges that part of my personality. All kinds of stories, photos, cartoons, videos, images of documents, etc...everything. All in one place and by popularity, searchable, and easy to share the content with friends on facebook or twitter and email. Searchable by time, day, month, year...and by topic. I consider this a very user-friendly site which I look forward to using a lot.

Setting up my account and learning the ropes was very easy. They did not require too much info, and gave you options on adding a profile, etc. Easy registration is always nice.

Some of the information given has the potential to be very helpful, some very amusing, some very mind-boggling...and some a tad disgusting. But for me it is that diversity that makes it such a unique and fun site.

I am excited to start using it and even though I opened another of about 200 accounts I have...I can tell this is one I am going to use a lot!

I located this information on Digg and the progress and changes it has made lately...interesting read.

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