Monday, August 10, 2009


As mentioned in my previous entry I have used delicious for a long time. I began using it at home over a year ago. Now I use it at work too. At our reference desks we have it marked and save frequently visited pages to it all the time.

My personal delicious contains 70 bookmarks. I added a few today, they are:
101 Awesome Free Blogger Templates and
Teriyaki cooking tips from Truly Hawaiian, a 100 year old recipe and
Truly Hawaiian's top tips for hosting a luau
~My birthday party this weekend will be a Hawaiin Luau, so I did some delicious tag searching and found some great recipes and ideas for the party Saturday!!!!

My delicious account user name is:

delicious is just one more way to make life online and in the "real world" easier and I think it is a most valuable asset to anyone who users computers and the Internet.

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