Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Lucky Thing # Seven - RSS feeds

I have a confession...I consider myself fairly tech savy and try to stay abreast of the latest and funnest thing floating around online, or making our lives easier. I am lucky enough to work in a library in which we get a lot of workshops and education regarding this type of thing, and I have listened about RSS feeds, heck, between you and me I have pushed the little orange RSS feed buttons before, and couldn't figure out where the stupid thing went...DUH!

But now I get it, now I use it, and I will continue to do so, until something else along the horizon comes in to take it's place. Technology reminds me of a new car, you look for the latest and greatest with all the bells and whistles and go devote yourself to making a it off the lot and something new and better takes it's place a week or so later. (Well, like a new car aside from google reader and RSS feeds being free and cars outlandishly priced.)

I consider myself set. I added my yahoo news, that I cannot make it through a morning without at least glancing at it. I added recipezar, so that the new recipes and food blogs can tempt and torture me all day long. I added Texas Monthly feeds, because I love their website and the magazine itself and all it has to offer. I added the TED talks updates page, a page that I enjoy looking at, yet forget to do so regularly, and it will be very valuable to have that update.

And, just as the video, along with Google Reader itself...IS ADDICTIVE!!!!
Of course, between you and I by the time bedtime rolls around each night my shoulder aches and burns anyway from excessive mouse use...I predict that will be similar to "tennis elbow" or carpal tunnel..."mouse arm" the syndrome of the new millinium! But what a way to go!

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